Siberian Iris

Zone 3-9 Another one of those perennials that are underused and undervalued. They produce strong grass-like foliage that looks good all year and blooms are often described as elegant. Many colors to choose from and combine well with daylilies and ornamental grasses. In naturalized settings, they are particularly effective around water features. They can also be grown under Black Walnut trees since they are not effected by juglone. Siberian Irises bloom before Japanese Irises but after Tall Bearded Irises. Prefer full sun but will tolerate part sun (min. 6 hours). Drought resistant once established.

We promise to complete all updates by end of March so you can checkout our selection and pricing ahead of stopping in. Remember always a great idea to have an account so you can create a wish list and use it to shop/compare pricing etc. Happy gardening, Dawn

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