We have surpassed our number of online orders for pickup. At this time just use the site as a guideline and prepare a wish list prior to dropping by to choose from those potted. If traveling in May/June to visit feel free to send an email to confirm still in stock. To keep up with us follow us on our social media channels or sign up for our newsletter. Hope you are looking forward to gardening as much as us in 2024.

Wedding Party Mixed


Back by popular demand.  The double-flowered Helleborus WEDDING PARTY® series debuted originally in 2015, an effort of years of work from Walters Gardens hybridizer Hans Hansen. In his breeding work, he selects plants with notable vigor, showy floral displays with large numbers of blossoms per plant, and rich flower colors. Usually one variety per pot and will be a surprise in its colour unless it is blooming when you purchase.  Zone 5

Part to full shade Blooms March – April
Ht: 18-24″

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