We have surpassed our number of online orders for pickup. At this time just use the site as a guideline and prepare a wish list prior to dropping by to choose from those potted. If traveling in May/June to visit feel free to send an email to confirm still in stock. To keep up with us follow us on our social media channels or sign up for our newsletter. Hope you are looking forward to gardening as much as us in 2024.

Bugloss Jack Frost


Perennial of the year for 2012!! On special for a limited time in 2023
I sell out of this one every year – it is highly admired in the gardens and I have it in several.  Silver stain glass-looking leaves with those great early blue blooms.  Then the leaves continue to grow until they max out in early July.

Part Shade    Blooms early-late Spring
Ht: 35cm(15″) 

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